8th Grade Advisory
Advisory 2018-2019
8th Grade Advisory
Advisory Dates 2018-2019 **Please note lessons can be subject to change**
Friday September 28 - We're All In This Together
Friday October 5- Believe in your #selfie Week of Respect Week of Respect
Friday October 26- Red Ribbon Week Activity-Drug & Alcohol Activity
Friday November 16- Rumors & Relationships (Snow day)
Friday November 30- Chat-n-Chew
Friday December 14- I Appreciate - DayS of Kindness & Unity
Friday January 18- Manners/Responsibility OR Integrity - The Real Deal
Friday January 25- Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff
Friday February 8- Mix It Up Day
Friday February 22- Career Awareness - Part 1
Friday March 15- Career Awareness - Part 2 2/Chat-n-Chew Chat-n-Chew
Friday March 29- Career Awareness Day
Friday May 10- Teacher Trivia
Thursday May 23- HS Orientation
We're All In This Together
Stopwatch for Panther Paws Password Game - www.online-stopwatch.com
Believe in your selfie
- Watch the 2 of the 3 videos:
- a) http://origin.www.netsmartz.org/RealLifeStories/CantTakeItBack - online
- bullying - “hot or not”
- b) http://origin.www.netsmartz.org/RealLifeStories/SplitDecisions - split
- decisions
- c) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6jMhMVEjEQg - Internet Safety
- d) Discuss 2 of the 3 these videos with the class. Are they realistic? For the
- second video, ask students how they would have handled the situation?
- IT GET'S BETTER VIDEO: http://www.itgetsbetter.org/video/
- a) http://origin.www.netsmartz.org/RealLifeStories/CantTakeItBack - online
Inspirational Videos
Be The Change You Want To See In The World
“Surf-ice” dog Video
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BGODurRfVv4 ***
Show 2-3 Videos related to Kindness: (Suggestions are provided below)
❏ Boy giving baseball he caught to another boy
❏ Cop buying homeless guy a pair of boots
❏ Woman giving a teen her coat
Additional Videos:
Liberty Mutual Video:
Or http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PD0Sz91Fd7U
Red Ribbon Week Activity
Red Ribbon Week Video
Rumors and Relationships
· https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uVKb3Pu7Rd8 - Stacey’s experience
· https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hu9Z5naWaEw - Demi Lovato’s experience
· https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WNhcnpi4Kfk - Ricardo’s story
****************************************************************************************SSurf Safe
“The NSTeens Challenge”
• NSTeens Challenge → www.nsteens.org/quizzes/nsteenschallenge
• NSTeens Video → http://www.nsteens.org/Videos
Videos about Oversharing/ Internet Overload:
*Flocab: http://www.flocabulary.com/oversharing/
*Internet Overload: http://themetapicture.com/if-this-video-doesnt-convince-you/
CHOOSE 1 OR 2 to show to the class:
Digital Rights and Responsibilities
Dos and Don'ts When Using Social Networks
Internet Safety Newsround Caught in the Web
Internet Safety by Josh Shipp
Videos from www.wiredsafety.org -
Shannon's story:
Beware of Friends http://www.wiredsafety.org/flashandvideo/Bewareoffriends-online.swf
Additional Optional Videos:
Claire's Story - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KdeqbHEbQDc&feature=related
NetSmartz Videos - http://www.netsmartz.org/RealLifeStories/
Integrity - The Real Deal
What Would You Do?
LOTTERY TICKET - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E3su9dsCAHQ
What would YOU do in this situation
Manners Matter
Career Awareness Day Resources
Show Did You Know Video Career Day - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=czQXbv7jqKk
“The world is changing rapidly. How will you remain competitive in a market where the top in-demand jobs didn't even exist 10 years ago?”